Liv Monique Johnson

What's been going on in your world and circles lately?

There’s a lot of great printmaking education and events coming up in Houston that I’m happy to be a part of. I’m an instructor at the Glassell School of Art and we have been expanding our offerings of print classes every semester.

It’s exciting to see the community of printmakers growing, and with the increased interest I can start offering workshops in specialized print projects. For instance some of my workshops lately include both relief printing and screenprinting patterns on textiles and printing intaglio with plaster.

I’m also a board member of PrintHouston and we have a couple events coming up in the fall. One is the From Press to Table printmaking fair that will be taking place at The Orange Show in Houston on November 12 concurrently with Rockin’ Rollin Press, a print event where large-scale woodcuts are printed using a steamroller.

Anything in particular you've been working on?

I got to take a trip home to Hawai’i earlier this summer, so I’ve got a sketchbook of ideas that I’m translating to multi-color etchings and woodcuts. I need to keep my hands busy, so I usually have a couple projects going at once, each at a different studio I work in - between my home studio, Glassell, and Burning Bones Press.

Future thing you are looking forward to?

I always enjoy a good print fair, it’s great to pick up some new pieces and there are printmakers from around the country that I can count on seeing and seeing what they’ve been working on. I think the next one that’s in my region is the Print Rodeo that PrintAustin is organizing for September 3rd.

Favorite bands / albums lately?

I’ve got a couple playlists that I’m always adding to for jamming in the print studio. Lately I’ve been throwing in a lot of Sparks, Sudan Archives, and Chaka Demus & Pliers. I can also binge a podcast when I’ve got long printing days ahead of me - lately that’s been Articles of Interest and the newest series by The Opportunist on the industries of wilderness therapy programs.

Visual artists (or whatever people) you've been digging lately?

So many it’s hard to choose! But I always enjoy seeing new works from Amy Lincoln, Michael Kruger, Erin Wohletz, Mary Claire Becker, and Kate Pincus-Whitney, to name just a few. I also always enjoy a post from the instagram profile @looneytunesbackgrounds.

Anything else?

I wanted to get the word out to print students about some opportunities that PrintHouston is offering. For those in Texas there is an open application for the Nancy Luton Printmaking Education Fund providing funding for anyone who is looking to take a class or workshop in printmaking or attend a printmaking conference.

If you’re interested here’s the link for that:

There will also be a call opening soon for a national student printmaking exhibition called Press Forward 2023, juried by Melanie Yazzie, that will be exhibiting here in Houston, so keep an eye out for that, it will be going up soon on the Call For Entry website.

The see more of Liv Johnson’s work, check her website:

You can also check out her in Instagram: @leafmonique

Liv Johnson’s design, “Illuminations” (based on her original lithograph) is currently available for preorder as a screen print on a light green, lightweight t-shirt. You can place your order here!


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