Friends of the Shelter

Interview with Farah Payton-Snider, Friends of the Shelter PRESIDENT

How long have you been working in rescue? 
Since 2009, but we didn't start Friends of the Shelter until 2013.  I volunteered with other rescues and shelters first.

What's been going on in your world and circles lately? 
Canine influenza hit our rescue hard last month, and we halted adoption events to try and keep the dogs safe.  Summer is always slower for adoptions, but this outbreak has really been tough on all rescues lately, and shelters too.

Anything in particular you've been working on?  
The thing about rescue is you really never get to "clock out" so to speak.  Most days are spent in my office working on applications, grant requests and Vet appointments.  Then Renee and I head out to run rescue errands like moving cats into partner stores (Petsmart in Moore or Petco in Norman), picking up needed supplies, going to shelters to take photos of pets in need of placement, etc.  We've also launched a Spay-It-Forward program which helps the public gets their pets fixed if they can't afford it.  And we have TNR programs is a few small towns, like Tuttle, Blanchard and Newcastle.  TNR = Trap, Neuter, Release.

Tips, Tricks, Techniques?  
The best thing ANYONE can do to help is get their pets spayed/neutered and have them microchipped.  Cats and dogs can be "fixed" as young as 8 weeks old if they weigh a minimum of 2 pounds.  There's no such thing as an accidental litter.  Animals are going to do what comes naturally, so just take it out of the equation.  

Other projects you see happening around that are cool? 
I love seeing more apartments allowing all breeds of dogs and having fenced areas on premises for their residents to let their dogs play safely.  I'm also seeing more restaurants becoming pet-friendly.  It seems society is starting to turn towards taking better care of our furry friends, but we can always improve!

Any stories you want to share? 
My latest foster puppy, Holden, was hit by a car at the end of April.  He had a broken back left leg, degloved back right foot and several other abrasions.  He needed a blood transfusion, which one of our alumni dogs, Boo, donated.  He's now healthy, walking without a cast and started water therapy about 3 weeks ago....and I've decided to "foster fail" him since I've fallen in love.  This is why I rescue.  I can look at any animal in any state of emaciation, brokenness, etc. and see how they'll look once we get them healthy.  The glow up is my fave!

Future thing you are looking forward to? 
Our fireworks stand fundraiser at the end of June.  We know people will pop fireworks no matter what, so we figured this was the best way to get in front of the very people that are causing pets to be frightened.  We hand out hundreds of flyers with pet safety tips on them at our stand, and offer pet microchipping there too.  It's at 500 N. Main Street in Newcastle and the hours we're open are posted under the events tab of our Facebook page

Favorite bands / albums lately? 
Kelsea Ballerini, Ashley McBryde, Jelly Roll, Lainey Wilson, Jackson Dean and Imagine Dragons

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Visual artists (or whatever people) you've been digging lately?
Dustin Mater is amazing!

Links to anything you're involved in you want to share? 
We have a merch store on Bonfire with lots of designs, shirt styles and colors to choose from with all proceeds benefiting our rescue!

Anything else? 

We're planning a gala in late February that will include silent auctions, dancing, dinner and lots of fun!  More details to come in a few months!

You can support Friends of the Shelter by preordering this shirt designed by artist Barry Zimmerman. The preorder is live until June 28th.



Liv Monique Johnson


Steamroller Print Fest at ARTSPACE