The Lore Books and Apothecary

What's been going on in your world and circles lately?

We are happy to see the fall weather on the horizon as it makes for much more pleasant markets! And spooky season is Kim’s favorite! We're excited to be participating in some new markets and for all of the fall events coming up!

Anything in particular you've been working on?

We were in the process of trying to secure a storefront location. Unfortunately, we are taking a step back from that for now but not forever. Theo is working on some new apothecary things like oxymels, culinary herbs blends and cooking oils, and starting some infused honeys and fire cider! And Kim's been working on book lists for the 2024 book clubs!

Tips, Tricks, Techniques?

Kim’s main tip for both life and business is to always remember that no one has it “figured out” we are all just doing the best we can so be kind to each other and be kind to yourself. With herbalism in particular, but can realistically be extended to other areas, building a relationship with one's environment and craft has been such a fulfilling and beneficial experience. It always reminds me (Theo) of the interconnectedness of things. 

Other projects you see happening around that are cool?

The construction at the new 405 Brewing Main Street location is very exciting! The Norman Arts in the Wind Market and Juried Art Competition looks very cool! The Chickasaw Cultural Museum has some very cool things coming up as well!

Any stories you want to share?

Kim has a lot of great stories about people finding themselves in stories or recommending a book that someone says changed their life! Theo has found that being an herbalist, especially working directly with their community via markets, had introduced them to some amazing people with truly incredible stories and experiences. The ability for people to be vulnerable in such public spaces continues to amaze me (Theo) and makes me feel honored to do the work that I do.

Future things you are looking forward to?

October! Starting the Wheeler Market and really just all of the cooler weather and autumn events!

Favorite bands / albums lately?

Kim's been on a bit of Florence + the Machine kick lately. Cliffdiver has been a favorite of Theo's lately. They're an emo/punk band from Tulsa who are doing some very cool things.


Kim's favorite poem is "Hope is the Thing with Feathers" by Emily Dickinson 

This is an incredibly difficult question for Theo. If I absolutely have to choose in this moment, I'd say Storm Chaser by Lauren Zuniga. 

Visual artists (or whatever people) you've been digging lately?

Kaitlyn Graham aka Crystal Gazer Collective is just making some really cool art and the Mycelium Gallery in OKC is such a cool immersive space. Copper Dust Jewelry out of OKC has been making some really beautiful jewelry for awhile now. 

Links to anything you're involved in you want to share?

We do two book clubs with 405 brewing which are the Better Than the Movie Book Club and the Science Fiction Book Club and we also have the Diverse Voices Book Club with The Well 

Anything else?

Get excited about little things, celebrate every small victory, keep telling stories and being creative, take care of yourself, and remember to be kind to ourselves and others.

For more of The Lore check out their website:

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The Lore Books and Apothecary currently has a t-shirt available for preorder on our website until Wednesday, September 13th. Click here to order!


Human Interaction


Liv Monique Johnson