Jelliii Art Duo: Jasmine Jones and Skelley Queen

JJ - Jasmine Jones, KQ - Kelley Queen-Reidy 

What's been going on in your world and circles lately?

JJ: Teaching, making, aerial silks, adjusting to having a cat in our 2 dog household, and (most importantly?) reassessing dreams and ideals for life. All on top of, you know, general life chaos. But life still feels fulfilling and good! 

KQ: It’s been a lot of wonderful, big moments in my personal life within the last year! I got married last fall, about to move into a larger space, and am now a very proud aunt! As far as my art practice, I want to explore more with the mediums I love using and experiment with new ones too! Getting a website together has been on my mind for awhile and is definitely a goal for the near future! I’m just very grateful for everything going on lately! 

Anything in particular you've been working on? 

KQ: Preparing for our show here at Oscillator has been so fun! We’ve been working on the cute new little conversation heart pieces! We’ve also been working on a fun new painting to submit to the ONE fundraiser at Mainsite, which we’re really excited about! 

I recently picked back up on crocheting this large tooth that I want to eventually give a large eyeball and possibly wings and more. I’m treating it like a big soft sculpture and that has been fun to see take more shape lately. 

JJ: We’ve been re-igniting our collab powers with what Kelley’s mentioned. It also gets us so excited for future Jelliii projects/ideas, that may or may not involve our delicious tea, Dream Bits... Stay tuned! 

Personally, I’ve also been working on more collage work as well as a solo show that’s happening at OU in August called Candied Garden. 

Tips, Tricks, Techniques? 

JJ: Don’t be afraid to play or “fail”! 

KQ: Definitely collaborate with other creatives when you can! It broadens the scope of what y’all can accomplish, plus making art with a pal is always a blast! 

Other projects you see happening around that are cool? 

JJ: The Artist Closet!

Future thing you are looking forward to? 

KQ: More and more Jelliii endeavors! Possibly more wearables even! I’m feeling like big strides will be made in both Jelliii and each of our personal work as well! 

JJ: I think I’ve got a lot of hope and excitement for 2024 overall as another big creative year, especially when it comes to Jelliii and experimenting with my own individual work. 

Favorite bands / albums lately? 

KQ: I’ve been listening to a lot of Yeule lately. They have an album called softscars they released last year and I just really love everything from the music itself to their fashion style; it’s so mystical and otherworldly. The songs “dazies” and “cyber meat” are some of my favorites and I recommend giving it a go! They also have a performance on KEXP that is super rad too! 

JJ: My taste has been extra sporadic lately, but Reneé Rapp has me in a chokehold, especially with her rendition of World Burn. Also! Japanese and Korean Hip Hop, too many great artists to name there.

Visual artists (or whatever people) you've been digging lately? 

JJ: Izzi Lee (@clownlifeizzi), Aurora Black (@aurorablackart), Li Speaks (on YouTube), and Darling Dollz (on YouTube). (Also endless love to the And That’s Why We Drink podcast forever and ever.) 

KQ: I really love the work of this tattoo artist @nixxi_tattoos! Such a stellar style and very inspiring. I’ve been listening to/watching “Very Delta” every Monday and it’s one of my favorite podcast/talk shows! My spouse and I just finished watching the new episodes of Bluey that got released and they were all amazing! It’s such a well-made show and will totally enrich your life! (and make you cry!) 

Links to anything you're involved in you want to share? 

We’re both in Factory Obscura’s V-Day Bash and Art Show! 

We’re still promoting our tea collaboration with Leap Coffee Roasters, Dream Bits!

Anything else?

KQ: Thank you so much for allowing us to do a Jelliii show and get the year started right! We love y’all and everything you bring to the community! It’s been sweet!!! <3 

JJ: BIG shoutout to you guys for giving us this opportunity and supporting us! We appreciate you guys so much and can’t wait to see what’s in store for us and OSC! <3

To see what Jelliii is up to next, Check out these IG accounts:

Jasmine Jones

Kelley Queen

We currently have a preorder up featuring Jelliii’s design, Furbina Valentina!

Available until March 17th (end of day) Order the Jelliii Collab. T-shirt here!


The Opolis


Skewed Press