Skewed Press

What's been going on in your world and circles lately?

We just recently made the decision to move into a bigger space! We are stoked to have an actual shop and are excited to actually have a retail space!

Anything in particular you've been working on?

We are in a very experimental mood lately! Trying out new ways to create together.

Tips, Tricks, Techniques?


make art for you not other people! 

stay off social media!

Any stories you want to share?

-Bekartoe story-

one time a friend of mine asked me to go buy a happy meal so he could get the 2023 purple boo bucket from the great Mc Donalds! i was at the pumpkin patch when he texted so i just told him id try and get one after I'm done. Next thing i know i just look over on a hay bale and there it was, a mint condition 2023 empty purple boo bucket. didn't even have to buy a happy meal! 

it just goes to show ya that times are really hard but sometimes you get really lucky!

Future things you are looking forward to?

I think after this show with y'all we are just excited for all of our future collaborations with people! community is important to us and making things together is really neat!

Favorite bands / albums lately?

Grupo ju-juy, those armored core breakbeat mixes on youtube, KEN Mode.

been listening to a lot of Mon Laferte (as usual) and Creed

disturbed too obvi

Linkin park and Alcade la Senora


A man said to the universe: 

“Sir, I exist!”

“However,” replied the universe, 

“The fact has not created in me 

A sense of obligation.”

-Stephen Crane

Visual artists (or whatever people) you've been digging lately?

Dear.Sergio is a really cool artist, also ebyczyk

been super digging cam_rackam, mataruda and what @grenudathreads has going on lately

All images are from

Links to anything you're involved in you want to share?

Tulsa Makers market is dope

oh yeeeeee TMM is in a bit of a hibernation rn. but we want to like start to make posts for past vendors to showcase what they've been doing and how folks can buy their stuff through the cold months when vending gets slow

Anything else?

A big thank you to y'all oscillators for having us and collaborating with us! 


Keep up with Skewed Press by following their instagram: Skewed Press

We currently have a preorder up featuring a Skewed Press design! The preorder is open til Sunday, Nov. 19th

You can place your order here!


Jelliii Art Duo: Jasmine Jones and Skelley Queen


Downtown Pantry