Good Vibes Union

We interviewed Bay Areas Good Vibes Union member and the artist behind their t-shirt design, Nola Mccue.

What's been going on in your world and circles lately? Anything in particular you've been working on?

- The Good Vibes Union (the labor union I designed these shirts for) is preparing to head into bargaining soon after their landslide victory in February. I’m excited to see what they win for themselves.

 Tips, Tricks, Techniques? 

- I don’t know man, I’m still at a place with my art where I almost feel like when I make a good drawing it’s almost by accident. I guess fuck around?? Throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks. Try to draw things you think you won’t be good at drawing, experiment with different mediums. 


Other projects you see happening around that are cool? 

- The labor movement has been having so many big wins lately, especially in retail and fast food. I’m thrilled for all the workers out there getting involved in organizing and winning elections, and am honored to have had a place in that myself. 

 Future thing you are looking forward to? 

- I’m super excited about the Stop Making Sense tribute album coming out soon!


Favorite bands / albums lately?

- I’ve been loving Ragana. They’re a two-piece metal band based in Olympia and the Bay, it’s super impressive how much sound and texture they create with just one guitar and drums. Also lowkey queer icons imo 

 Visual artists (or whatever people) you've been digging lately? 

- I’ve been a big fan of Kristen Liu-Wong (IG @kliuwong, heads up her work is very NSFW) lately. I like how bold and colorful her work is, and I love how she draws faces. 

To stay up to date with Good Vibes Union, you can follow their IG account: @goodvibesunion

Nola Mccue’s design for the Good Vibes Union is currently available for preorder!

You can order the shirt on our website here:

You can also donate to their Mutual Aid Fund through the Venmo Account: @notsarahwilder


natural Grocers union


The Opolis