JM Fowler

What other Projects are you working on? 

In my life as a Tattoo artist I’m doing a ton of Pokémon and Anime tattoos as well as Blackwork dark fantasy tattoos. 

As a traditional artist most of my new work is focused on storytelling. 

JM Fowler is a tattoo artist at Doom Monkey Studio

All Images from Jonathan Fowler’s Instagram Account

Visual artists (or whatever people) you've been digging lately?

I’ve been digging John Dyer Baizley’s new work. I’ve also gone back to lots of the artists who influenced me early on an re-examined what I loved about them so much. Frank Frazetta and Bernie Wrightson

Favorite bands / albums lately?

I’ve been listening to a lot of Throwback Metal and Sludge Metal. Witchcraft, Sleep, Kyuss, and The Sword

To see more art by JM Fowler, check out his Instagram: doom_monkey_studio

JM Fowler’s design, Snake & Lotus is available for preorder until Saturday, April 1st. You can place your order here:


Steamroller Print Fest at ARTSPACE


Okie Comrade