Vincent Ciarlo
What's been going on in your world and circles lately?
A lot. Prepping for The Tooth's EP release show with our new bass player, prepping art concept ideas and recording my solo project YEW's third release with my partner Mekala, helping at The Sanctuary, and trying to figure out how to be an adult simultaneously.
Upcoming Release Show for The Tooth, January 28th at the Sanctuary
Original Collage by Vincent Ciarlo
Anything in particular you've been working on?
Time, money, and peace management.
Tips, Tricks, Techniques?
Treat others how you would want to be treated. The world doesn't owe you anything.
Image of the Sanctuary Board from @thesanctuaryok IG account
Other projects you see happening around that are cool?
My creative friends around me seem to be really making big moves and it's inspiring to witness. Mekala and The Sanctuary are coming up on a year of being open, Chat Pile is taking over the world, and other friends are on the verge of what seems like a breakthrough in their own personal pursuits that I'm stoked to see those things come to fruition.
Image from the Chat Pile’s Album Release show at The Sanctuary by @joshuaofficerphotography
Any stories you want to share?
Maybe another time ...
Original Collage commission for Chat Pile
Future thing you are looking forward to?
Seeing Lingua Ignota and Chat Pile on the same stage in Colorado this February, putting out YEW's next album 'III', and being able to sit still long enough to process what's happening around me better.
Original Collage commission for Chat Pile
Favorite bands / albums lately?
Misthyrming's album Algleymi, Unyeilding Love's album Flesh of the Furnace, Ennio Morricone, and locally, nuldeath.
Original Collage by Vincent Ciarlo
At high noon
a swathe of clouds
seething, lurking
scathing; It comes
Innumerable shades
Visual artists (or whatever people) you've been digging lately?
Nicola Samori, Frederick Remington, Denis Forkas, Robert Rauschenberg, Noah Munsell, Jared Power, Kat Pierce (Morbid Mushroom), and Will Mecca.
Original Collage for The Sanctuary
Links to anything you're involved in you want to share?
cargocollecti ve .com/vincentciarlo
thetoothokc .bandcamp .com
subsolevanitas .bandcamp .com
Anything else?
Whatever it is, keep on trying. We 're all running out of time.
Vincent Ciarlo’s exhibition, Our Shadows Cast into Deep and Barren Splendor is currently up in our gallery until Thursday, January 5th.
Vincent’s Design, Full Surrender, is currently available on a Black Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt until Wednesday January 4th (end of day).