Katie Graham

What's been going on in your world and circles lately?

I’ve recently made my way back to OK from a trip in Salem MA, where I met a group of online friends from all over the US for the first time. It was such an amazing experience and opened my mind to a new way of creating art as well as discovering what I really want to do with my life- building community and lending aid to others where I can by using what is currently available to me. 


Anything in particular you've been working on?

Since getting back from my trip, I’ve mainly been focused on reorganizing my art space and working on my embroidery pieces. I’m also in the process of creating a Frog themed tarot deck and that’s been taking up quite a bit of my mind and time over the last few weeks. 


Other projects you see happening around that are cool?
I recently attended a Makers Market event in Bethany OK at a local metaphysical shop called, “A Little Hokus Pokus”. There I met a collective of some really sweet and insightful people and got my ASS handed to me in a Nordic rune reading by a woman named Nada. They host the market every Second Weekend of the month and I recommend checking out all of the other vendors and maybe also getting your ass handed to you in a reading while you’re there!   


Any stories you want to share?
This is quite literally the most ridiculous thing that has ever happened to me and I felt like a dramatic reenactment was the only way to do this story justice:

It was another off day from work, just like any other. I decided to treat me and the kid so I ordered us some sandwiches. They arrived and I sat mine down on my desk when I thought to myself, "I should let the dogs out first ''. I let them do their thing and I went to let them back in. Wilson (My older sister's big giant pain in my ass pitbull) came in straight away but I had to walk outside and call Bean (my toy poodle) to get his attention- my first fatal mistake. As I closed the door behind me, Wilson literally jumped at the opportunity to LOCK ME AND MY SON OUTSIDE. I thought to myself, "how could he do this, after I let his ass outside"?? Cursing under my breath, I walk towards the back gate to go around to the front door but what am I met with? My older sister has locked the gate from the outside due to the wind from the night before- FOILED AGAIN. My only hope is Maggie, a 16 year old they/them gamer who wears headphones every second of every god forsaken day. Will I make it inside to eat my precious sandwich? Or will I be forced to watch it grow cold with only a window keeping us apart? I couldn't let that happen!! I paced back and forth between my office door and our back door, slamming my hands as hard as I could. I hoped Wilson would hear me slamming on the backdoor and that he would possibly go towards the sound and alert Maggie of what tragedy had occurred. I proceeded to go back and forth between the two doors and everytime I came back- there was that big, stupid, smug, face looking back at me. This lasted for about 25 minutes and I finally sat down with Bean and laughed so hard that I cried. After I was about to give up, a thought occurred- there's a kitchen window and it's directly in Maggie's line of vision!! I sprang up from the stoop I once wallowed in and ran to the window. In my final act of desperation, I slammed my hands against the window plane for a good while and then I see it- Maggie's little fingies pulling the blinds down and peering through at me! HUZAH!! Maggie waited to open the door and asks me through the window what happened. "Wilson locked me out" I screeched, "Just let me in for the love of god". With tears in my eyes, my vision was blinded, but I managed to stumble to my desk. I rip open my sandwich to see what damage had been done. It was still slightly warm and the bread was soggy, but it was by far the best sandwich I have ever eaten. And you want to know why? Because I fought for my damn LIFE to get back to that sandwich and I enjoyed every single morsel. 



Future thing you are looking forward to?

I’m in the process of renovating my garage into a bigger studio space and converting my office into a mini store front so I can host small pop ups in my backyard with other local artists and I am SO excited to get that up and running.  


Favorite bands / albums lately?
I have been obsessed with Laura Marling the past few months. All of her music is delicately mocking religious idealization and every song on her “I Speak Because I Can” album sends chills throughout my entire body. 



Do Laura Marling Lyrics count??

“What He Wrote” Verse 2

Her skin is white

And I'm light as the sun

So holy light shines

On the things you have done

So I asked him how he became this man
How did he learn to hold fruit in his hands?


And where is the lamb that gave you your name?

He had to leave, though I begged him to stay

Left me alone when I needed the light

Fell to my knees and I wept for my life

If he had've stayed, you might understand

If he had've stayed, you never would have taken my hand


Visual artists (or whatever people) you've been digging lately?

I am absolutely obsessed with @froggie._.creates on Instagram! They are such sweet person who has just started selling at the art walk here in Norman. Before then, they always made it a point to come and visit me at my booth and they make my heart happy. Froggie has a variety of cottage core themed textiles and clay pieces on their Etsy, definitely check em out! 


Links to anything you're involved in you want to share?

I’ve recently launched my website! I have some Norman community resources as well as some women's resources local to OK. I also have an Artist Spotlight where I feature a new artist and their work every month! I plan on doing a lot more with my site to help our community in the future so definitely check it out if yah feel inclined!


Anything else?

Working on my first collab with OSC Press by helping raise funds for the OK Call for Reproductive Justice meant more to me than any of you know and I want to personally thank everyone who ordered any of the featured designs over these last 2 weeks. Being someone who could be directly impacted by the supreme court's decisions of overturning Roe V Wade is terrifying and knowing that there are people currently facing repercussions by this unjust decision is unimaginable while also being a very real reality for so many. I’m glad to know we helped where we could and I’m proud to have used my art for this purpose. 

You can check out more art by Katie Graham on her IG Account: _crystalgazerscollective_

Katie’s T-shirt Design “We’re at Stake” is currently available for preorder until Sunday July, 17th with proceeds going toward OK Call for Reproductive Justice.
Place your order here!


Hershel Self


Ash Davis