Tyler Krasowski

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What’s been going on in your world/circles lately?

My world of circles has been mostly a recharging of the creative cap since being on an "art tour de force" since April. Its been nice to be back in Montana, and reconnect with the love affair my desk and I have.

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Anything in particular you've been working on?

As usual Ive been working on anything everything and nothing. My desk currently has some tattoo flash sheets, collage material, and random desk doodles(which are my fav). All of which will end up getting submitted to a new textile company for an artist series their launch in a few weeks. Im psyched, I was told to think of the medium as art, not so much as traditional textile, so notebook doodles, poems, really anything are a go. Excited to see a full notebook looking set of drapes, or an embroidered couch of grass.

Future thing you are looking forward to?


Looking forward to grabbing a big chunk of land to live on out here, deep in the woods, a creek, and start a barn build out to house whatever the fuck I set my mind to. Plans are in motion so hopefully sooner than later I can leave the hoopla of the city behind and blast music as loud as I want. no parents no rules, pizza everyday.

Also looking forward to cutting some more tracks for this country album I've been writing over the course of, jeez, maybe ten years. started mostly on late walks home from the bars in Chicago, my buddy and I would just start with one liners, for instance in a deep country voice "the only women I ever loved" which would get repeated over n over either getting louder or softer. boom ya gotta song, on to the next. At this point we have material for 10 albums.

Favorite bands / albums lately?

musically on rotation, well right this very second I have the 1984 Metal church self titled album blasting "in the blood". earlier this morn, had a nice Texas Tornados set, ya know ease into the morn with some bright yet sad songs about guacamole. Something is usually always on, lot of Zappa, lot of Metal, Jazz is for when its dark unless its some Herbie fusion. I'm a pretty tough critic musically, most new stuff doesn't do it for me, feel like its lacking discipline or something, no meat all lettuce, so whatever, plenty of music at the library.

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Visual artists (or whatever people) you've been digging lately?


Lately I’ve been drawn to American folk art and outsider art. I love how immediate and honest it is. It’s a type of practice that I guess I'm kinda jealous of, the imagery seems really loose but in-fact is immensely busy and thought out, looks pretty rational to me though I'm sure scholars would disagree.


Suppose I'll wrap it up with a poem which I think is going to end up on some drapes

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the closer

the further away

the further

the closer

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shine bright


reflected light


carry shadows

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at night

heavy as they are

you're never


To see more artwork by Tyler Krasowski, check out his instagram skinpancake !

Tyler’s Bootleg T-shirt Series is currently available for preorder here: https://oscillator-art.com/pre-orders


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