Barry Zimmerman

Barry Zimmerman


I am spreading the word of PEACE and LOVE like I learned in The Children’s Bible Stories my mom read to me when I was a kid to The Beatles who agree with Jesus about PEACE and LOVE and added the magic of creativity psychedelic thinking and imagination as a direction to Hanna- Barbera cartoons to Album cover culture to MAD Magazine to Robert Crumb to Pablo Picasso and BANKSY and BASQUIAT and Poetry and Rock lists and Ads and Ron Asheton’s guitar tone/

Trying to eventually see what a second looks like))) Your project made me streamline my normal attack and focus, like flier making/

My t-shirt idea is saying “I come in peace” it says “THIS IS NOT A WAR SONG” and it points out “me” the wearer of the shirt and it points out “HERE” So it’s “me here no war song” It’s the message I’ve been preaching my whole life)))


Barry Zimmerman designed the ‘NOT A WAR SONG’ Tee in the shop here. Sales benefit the organization: 2nd Chance Animal Shelter in Norman, OK.


Julie Yang


Alicia Smith