Daniel Schieffer

Any projects you've been working on?

Aside from doing design work on the computer, I've been exploring the Byzantine Painting style and trying my hand at creating my own set of icon paintings. Painting in this style is definitely something completely foreign to me so it has come with various struggles, but I think discomfort has often bred some of my more unique pieces of work. I hope to eventually display some paintings on my website/instagram, but to be honest, I think I still have much to improve before sharing them to the world.

I've also been working on some looping abstract motion pieces that use the rotoscope animation process. I believe it's a much more free-formed/improvised process than the one I mentioned before so I've been trying to not take it too seriously and roll with whatever the outcome is for each of the motion pieces.

Artists or designers that inspire you or you have been digging their artwork?

I've been really enjoying the work of Alexis Jamet, he is a french designer that mixes the digital aspects of design with different airbrush illustrations/textures in his posters/zines. Leon Washere is another artist that leaves me speechless with every new motion piece he creates. He does quick hand painted rotoscope animations of old skateboarding footage. I think both of those artists are putting out incredibly unique projects that tend to stand out in the oversaturated world of instagram design.

Any favorite bands / albums lately?

Some of the artists that I've been listening to while working on design are Death's Dynamic Shroud, Slauson Malone. Microphones, Calacote, Sinead O'Connor, and Burial. It's a bit of an eclectic assortment of genres, but each artist is experimental/inspiring and seems to help me stay curious about new approaches to the creative process.

Links to anything you're involved in you want to share?

A buddy from college and I have been working on a creative project/brand called "Cold Soup." We haven't quite settled on the concrete mission or theme of the group, but our first Zine was made during the onset of the pandemic synthesizing various writings of empathy, and isolation to our own abstract/absurd designs. So far we've only made one zine, and a couple of shirt designs, but hopefully we will be creating some more content under the Cold Soup brand in the near future! https://www.instagram.com/coldso.up/?hl=en

I've also been creating visuals for a dominican musician named Calacote, it's been a really lovely opportunity for me to take the lead on artists' looks, album design, merch etc.

Anything else?

Thanks for reaching out and letting me play around with a design for one of the new oscillator shirts! I'm excited to see all of the unique pieces that Oscillator will be coming out with as you guys move forward as a brand!

Dan Schieffer designed the Skate Norman Longsleeve that’s available now for pre-order in the shop: https://www.osc-press.com/shop/skate-norman-dan-s


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