

Showcasing thought provoking artwork, installations, and actions from passionate local and international artists. We work primarily with living artists and strive to put the reins in their hands. Since 2014 we have collectively organized over 100 solo and group exhibitions to engage with the public.

Get involved with exhibitions here!


Sharing skillsets, processes & techniques to push our artistic practices. Since our first Wheat-Pasting 101 workshop in 2014 we have hosted a variety of artists and classes including: circuit bending, interventions performance, screen-printing, woodblock cutting, giant plastic bag hammock weaving, mask making, costume design, audio sampling, music-production, social media & marketing, full alternative art summer camp programming, and much more!

Get involved with our workshops/educational programming here!


Organizing local and international artists to engage with each-other and the public. For the past nine years we’ve worked with different groups to host printmaking, performance, and new-media/experimental sound festivals every year. As of 2023 we’ve organized 9 international and 11 regional fests. This year will mark the first fully virtual festival linking artists, art, and audience together despite any physical lock-downs.

Get involved with festivals here!

Artist Residencies

Week to month long residencies hosting national and international artists to work with our communities. We’ve brought artists to live, work, and exhibit here in Oklahoma from Puerto Rico, Sacramento, California; Parnu, Estonia; NYC, New York; Toulouse & Paris, France; Delhi, India, and San Francisco, California. These connections breath new ideas and life into the art scene here, in addition to energizing and fueling our other programming!

Get involved with artist residencies here!


Bridging worlds together. Annual tours bring regional artists out into the world to share, collaborate, and form lasting connections. Tours are composed of different artists working in a variety of mediums. Exhibitions, Workshops, Happenings and Collaborative Projects are booked across the globe and artists travel, live, and work together for the duration of the tour. This creates strong bonds between those on tour and between the local scenes we work and interact with along the way. Since 2014 we have worked with underground art-spaces, print-shops, universities, museums, galleries, and festivals in over 60 cities and 7 countries across the US, Mexico, and the European Union.

Get involved with our tours here!


2d, 3d, & 4d work, music, poetry, spoken word, performance and more! Happenings bring excitement and experimentation to art. Ideas of this complete form of artwork stretch back to Artaud and Wagner’s ‘Gesamtkunstwerk.’ We strive to fully engage the audiences, push the artists, and activate the artwork and experience to their limits! Happenings begin with the question, “What is the most interesting, engaging, best thing we can imagine happening?” then we work with our resources to achieve that.

Get involved with happenings here!